Nicholas (nwhyte) wrote,

May Books

Non-fiction 6 (YTD 22)
The Word in the Desert, by Douglas Burton-Christie
The Heart of the Buddha's Teaching, by Thich Nhat Hanh
How to Sharpen Pencils, by David Rees
The Great O'Neill, by Sean O'Faolain
Tickling the English, by Dara O'Briain
Unpublished manuscript

Fiction (non-sf) 0 (YTD 11)

sf (non-Who) 7 (YTD 32)
Leviathan Wakes, by "James S.A. Corey"
Deadline, by "Mira Grant"
The Moon and the Sun, by Vonda McIntyre
Countdown, by "Mira Grant"
Silently and Very Fast, by Catherine M. Valente

Surface Detail, by Iain M. Banks
Unpublished manuscript

Doctor Who 5 (YTD 33)
The Taking of Chelsea 426, by David Llewellyn
Bay of the Dead, by Marc Morris
Invasion of the Cat-People, by Gary Russell
St Anthony's Fire, by Mark Gatiss
Shadows of Avalon, by Paul Cornell

Comics 0 (YTD 3)

Running totals:
~5,700 pages (YTD 30,800)
5/17 (YTD 25/101) by women ("Grant"x2, McIntyre, Valente, author of unpublished manuscript)
1/17 (YTD 2/101) by PoC ( Thich Nhat Hanh)
Owned for more than a year: 7 (The Moon and the Sun [reread], The Word in the Desert, The Shadows of Avalon, St. Anthony's Fire, Invasion of the Cat-people [reread], The Great O'Neill, Tickling the English)
Other rereads: 0 for a total of 2 (YTD 7/101)

Big 2012 reading projects:
May 31 takes me to Book VIII, Chapter VII of War and Peace, and the end of the Book of Job in the Bible.

Also started:
The Tipping Point, by Malcolm Gladwell
Autonomy, by Daniel Blythe

Coming next, perhaps:
Habibi, by Craig Thompson
Hard Times, by Charles Dickens
The Flowering of New England 1815-1865, by Van Wyck Brooks
The Wonderful Adventures of Nils, by Selma Lagerlöf
The Best Science Fiction of the Year #4, edited by Terry Carr
Sphere, by Michael Crichton
Waking the Moon by Elizabeth Hand
A Good Hanging and other stories, by Ian Rankin
Sauron Defeated, by J.R.R. Tolkien
Lust, Caution: And Other Stories, by Eileen Chang

Tom Jones, by Henry Fielding
Elizabeth I, by Alison Plowden
The Bible: The Biography, by Karen Armstrong
Leaves of Grass, by Walt Whitman
The Orthodox Church, by Timothy Ware
Three Theban Plays by Sophocles
Postscripts, edited by Peter Crowther
Dracula, by Bram Stoker
The Stories of Colonel Twit, by Will Powell
Parable of the Talents, by Octavia E. Butler
Dying in the Sun, by Jon De Burgh Miller
Falls the Shadow, by Daniel O'Mahony

The Fall of Yquatine, by Nick Walters
The Faerie Queene, by Edmund Spenser
Incidents in the Life of a Slave Girl Written by Herself, by Harriet Ann Jacobs
Code of the Krillitanes, by Justin Richards
(struck through = read in June.)
Tags: bookblog 2012

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