I probably would not have bothered to acquire this had I not discovered, several years ago, that Van Wyck Brooks was my grandmother's step-brother - his mother married my great-grandfather after both lost their first spouses and they lived in Plainfield, New Jersey. Brooks was thirteen years older than his little half-sister and they did not know each other particularly well (she did not get on with her stepmother and was packed off to Europe). Brooks didn't like Plainfield either but remained on good terms with my grandmother, who in turne facilitated his biographers.
February Books 3) The World of Washington Irving, by Van Wyck Brooks
I probably would not have bothered to acquire this had I not discovered, several years ago, that Van Wyck Brooks was my grandmother's step-brother - his mother married my great-grandfather after both lost their first spouses and they lived in Plainfield, New Jersey. Brooks was thirteen years older than his little half-sister and they did not know each other particularly well (she did not get on with her stepmother and was packed off to Europe). Brooks didn't like Plainfield either but remained on good terms with my grandmother, who in turne facilitated his biographers.
December 2011 books and 2011 books roundup
This is the latest post in a series I started in late 2019, anticipating the twentieth anniversary of my bookblogging which will fall in 2023. Every…
November 2011 books
This is the latest post in a series I started in late 2019, anticipating the twentieth anniversary of my bookblogging which will fall in 2023. Every…
October 2011 books
I note that we celebrated our 18th wedding anniversary in our nearest local restaurant at the start of the month. A couple of days later, I (or…
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