Nicholas (nwhyte) wrote,

The Memory Cheats

Just finished listening to the latest Big Finish audio in their Companion Chronicles series, starring Wendy Padbury as the memory-wiped Zoe, forced to recollect an adventure with the Second Doctor and Jamie in the improbable environment of Tashkent in 1919. I was really disappointed that this exotic setting ended up sounding rather like an English village instead of a Central Asian capital city; my knowledge of Uzbekistan is not huge but sufficient that I did not really feel I was being transported there. Having said that, the kick of explaining how Zoe, her memory wiped by the Time Lords, can be telling us the story in the first place is very well executed. Nice also to hear Wendy Padbury's daughter Charlie Hayes (her father being Melvyn) though occasionally her voice sounds so similar to her mother's as to be slightly confusing.
Tags: doctor who, doctor who: 02, doctor who: audio, writer: simon guerrier

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