Nicholas (nwhyte) wrote,

September Books

I've spent most of last week in the peculiar alternate reality that is a plenary session of the European Parliament in Strasbourg, so am behind with bookblogging (and much else). But anyway, here is my roundup for September; where necessary, links will be added later.

non-fiction 6 (YTD 52)
Pirate Queen: the Life of Grace O'Malley, by Judith Cook
Stalin Ate My Homework, by Alexei Sayle
The Hero With A Thousand Faces, by Joseph Campbell
British Science Fiction & Fantasy: Twenty Years, Two Surveys, edited by Paul Kincaid and Niall Harrison
Constantinople, by Philip Mansel
Federal Union Now, by Andrew Duff

fiction (non-sf) 3 (YTD 38)
The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo, by Stieg Larsson
The Princess Diaries, by Meg Cabot
The Girl Who Played With Fire, by Stieg Larsson

sf (non-Who) 8 (YTD 57)
Ha'Penny, by Jo Walton
George's Secret Key to the Universe, by Lucy & Stephen Hawking
All Clear, by Connie Willis
Of Blood and Honey, by Stina Leicht
And Blue Skies From Pain, by Stina Leicht
The Sharing Knife: Passage, by Lois McMaster Bujold
The Return of the Shadow: The History of The Lord of the Rings, Part One, by J.R.R. Tolkien
The Castle of Otranto, by Horace Walpole

Doctor Who / Torchwood (excluding comics) 5 (YTD 59)
Blackout, by Oli Smith
The Way Through The Woods, by Una McCormack
Storm Harvest, by Robert Perry and Mike Tucker
Tragedy Day, by Gareth Roberts
Unnatural History, by Jonathan Blum and Kate Orman

Comics 2 (YTD 21)
With the Light... / 光とともに..., vol 4, by Keiko Tobe
[Doctor Who] Voyager, by Steve Parkhouse and Alan McKenzie

~8,400 pages (YTD ~66,500)
11/24 (YTD 52/227) by women (Cook, Cabot, Walton, Hawking, Willis, Leicht x 2, Bujold, McCormack, Orman, Tobe)
1/24 (YTD 12/227) by PoC (Tobe)
Owned for more than a year: 12 (George's Secret Key to the Universe, Unnatural History, Constantinople, Ha'penny, Tragedy Day, The Castle of Otranto, The Sharing Knife: Passage, The Return of the Shadow, British Science Fiction & Fantasy: Twenty Years, Two Surveys, Pirate Queen, Storm Harvest, Doctor Who - Voyager )
Reread: None (YTD 25/227)

Programmed reads: 16 books from 15 lists
a) Constantinople (non-fiction in order of entry)
b) The Hero With A Thousand Faces (non-fiction by popularity on LT)
c) British Science Fiction and Fantasy: Twenty Years, Two Surveys (non-fiction by popularity on LJ poll)
e) The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo, The Girl Who Played With Fire (non-genre fiction by popularity on LT)
h) George's Secret Key to the Universe (sf non-anthologies in order of entry)
i) The Castle of Otranto (sf in order of LT popularity)
j) The Sharing Knife: Passage (sf by popularity on LJ poll)
k) All Clear (Hugo/Nebula winners in sequence)
l) Tragedy Day (New Adventures in sequence)
m) Unnatural History (Eighth Doctor Adventures in sequence)
n) The Way Through The Woods (New Who books)
o) Storm Harvest (other Old Who by popularity)
p) The Return of the Shadow (History of Middle Earth in sequence)
r) Pirate Queen (Tudors and Ireland)
s) With The Light v4 (books by PoC in order of entry)

Coming next, possibly:

Torchwood: The Twilight Streets, by Gary Russell (already started)
Sons and Lovers, by D.H. Lawrence
A New History of Ireland, Volume III: Early Modern Ireland 1534-1691, ed by T. W. Moody
John Henry Newman, Edward Elgar and the "Dream of Gerontius", by Percy M. Young
The Borrible Trilogy, by Michael De Larrabeiti
Exit Music, by Ian Rankin
Half a Crown, by Jo Walton
Other Edens: No. 1, ed. by Christopher Evans and Robert Holdstock
White Queen, by Gwyneth Jones
Gulistān and Būstān, by Sheikh Muṣleḥ- ʾiddin Saʿdī
Ivanhoe, by Sir Walter Scott
Falling Free, by Lois McMaster Bujold
The Grapes of Wrath, by John Steinbeck
Diana Wynne Jones, by Farah Mendlesohn
Private Eye Annual 2008, by Ian Hislop
Race of a Lifetime, by Mark Halperin
Moll Flanders, by Daniel Defoe
I Shall Wear Midnight, by Terry Pratchett
Doctor Who: Nuclear Time, by Oli Smith
The Devil Goblins from Neptune, by Martin Day
The Cambridge Historical Encyclopedia of Great Britain and Ireland, by Christopher Haigh
Legacy, by Gary Russell
Treason of Isengard: The History of The Lord of the Rings, Part Two (The History of Middle-Earth, Vol. 7), by J.R.R. Tolkien
Autumn Mist by David A. McIntee
Jurassic Park, by Michael Crichton
Cold Mountain, by Charles Frazier
Tags: bookblog 2011

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