19 June 1916: birth of George Pravda, who played Alexander Denes in The Enemy of the World (1967-68), Jaeger in The Mutants (1972), and Spandrell in The Deadly Assassin (1976).
19 June 1997: death of Julia Smith, who directed The Underwater Menace (1967) but is of course better known and the creator of EastEnders.
ii) broadcast anniversaries
19 June 1965: broadcast of "The Death of Doctor Who", fifth episode of the story we now call The Chase. The Daleks construct a double of the Doctor to try and infiltrate the Tardis crew. (This also features the fungoids, by far the worst monsters ever.)
19 June 1971: broadcast of fifth episode of The Dæmons, ending Season 8 of Old Who. Jo offers her life for the Doctor's confusing Azal to the point of self-destruction; and the Master is captured.
19 June 2010: broadcast of The Pandorica Opens. Echoes of recent adventures and of monsters recently encountered bring the Doctor and Amy, joined by River Song and a resurrected Rory, to the mysterious Pandorica.