Nicholas (nwhyte) wrote,

February Books 21) Scott Pilgrim's Finest Hour, by Bryan Lee O'Malley

So we reach the end of the Scott Pilgrim saga, with Scott doing battle against the last of Ramona's evil ex-boyfriends, this time the sinister Gideon, who keeps his ex-girlfriends in cryogenic storage inside his head. O'Malley is much more explicit here that the whole series is about how we come to grips with the demons of our own personal past; Scott and Ramona confront and defeat them (after deadly and literally heart-rending struggle, told through the medium of comic-book adaptation of video-games), Gideon is unable to move on and loses. Many good lines, of which my favourite is where Scott says to Ramona, "Things can't be the same, can they?" and she replies, "Dude, things never were the same. Change is... it's what we get." A really heart-warming and memorable conclusion to an excellent series.

Right, must watch the film next.
Tags: bookblog 2011, comics, poc, writer: bryan lee o'malley

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