Nicholas (nwhyte) wrote,

November Books 18) Ten Thousand Light-Years From Home, by James Tiptree, Jr.

This one really did blow me away. Just a couple of weeks ago I read the Analog 6 anthology from 1968, a rather staid collection of stories in the classic sf mode. Most (though not quite all) of this 1973 collection are tremendous, many of them somewhat subversive - particularly on gender issues, this at a time when the author was still believed to be a man (and is referred to in the masculine in Harry Harrison's introduction. The one that particularly lingers with me is "The Man Who Walked Home", which I had forgotten was by Tiptree - the one about the time traveller who appears on the spot of his own demise once a year. There's also a rather atypical time travel romance, "Forever to a Hudson Bay Blanket", and the Hugo-winning "Painwise" which I didn't remember having read before. A really excellent anthology - I think I prefer it to the later Star Songs of an Old Primate which I also enjoyed a couple of years back.
Tags: bookblog 2010, writer: harry harrison, writer: james tiptree jr

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