Nicholas (nwhyte) wrote,


The new series of Eighth Doctor plays from Big Finish began with Situation Vacant, where Joanna Kanska stole the show, guest starring as a hotel duty manager; this time Fenella Woolgar (who was Agatha Christie in The Unicorn and the Wasp) steals the show, guest starring as an interstellar war criminal incarcerated in a jail designed with an Edgar Allan Poe theme. Alan Barnes is one of the best Big Finish writers, but this isn't one of his best scripts, with a slightly daft premise and lots of references to Poe's work including giant robot ravens chanting "Nevermore". I haven't read much Poe (though I do know the late Zelazny story which riffs off many of his works) so some of this may have gone over my head. However it's probably fairly accessible to the non-Who fan who knows their Poe. (The new companion, I'm afraid, hasn't really settled in for me as yet.)
Tags: doctor who, doctor who: 08, writer: alan barnes, writer: edgar allan poe

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