After almost 19 years of blogging on Livejournal, and almost 15,000 entries, the time has come to move to a dedicated WordPress site, managed by the amazing Damien at Elucidate. I have archived all of my old entries to the new site (or rather, Damien has); and I hope to import all comments and tags as well. I don’t plan to delete my Livejournal, and I will crosspost to it once I work out how, but I have a strong suspicion that it won’t stay up for much longer.
This is still a work in progress, and I hope to improve the look and feel of the blog over the next weeks and months as I get to grips with the power of WordPress. Already I feel it’s something I probably could and should have done years ago. Look forward to hearing from you all.
Thu, 18:40: Doctor Who and the Silurians and Doctor Who and the Cave-Monsters, by Malcolm Hulke, and The Silurians, by Robert�Smith?
Wed, 15:32: RT @Megintransition: Thinking about attending glasgow 2024* then grab your membership now and on a instalment plan to get the most affordab…
Mon, 12:56: Sudan’s outsider: how a paramilitary leader fell out with the army and plunged the country into war | Sudan | The Guardian A very good explainer of what is going on in Khartoum.
Mon, 10:21: “Watchmen remains the only graphic novel to ever win a Hugo Award” Actually there has been a Hugo Award for Best Graphic Story (now Best Graphic Story or Comic) every year since 2009. @AshWHurst
Wed, 10:45: RT @little_pengelly: No matter our political view, poignant moment to think about all those now gone since 1998. I'm a big fan of @RestIsP…